Together with our beloved parents,
Mr. Alexander Pitero
Mrs. Evangeline Merdegia |
Mr. Ricardo Cruz
Mrs. Edna Cruz |
Conrad & Emily
Request the honor of your presence
To share in the beginning of our new life together
As we exchange marriage vows
O N T H U R S D A Y , 1 7 t h D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5
Four o'clock in the afternoon
Ceremony at Sta. Clara De Montefalco
Reception will follow at Riverfront Caniogan Pasig
To share in the beginning of our new life together
As we exchange marriage vows
O N T H U R S D A Y , 1 7 t h D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5
Four o'clock in the afternoon
Ceremony at Sta. Clara De Montefalco
Reception will follow at Riverfront Caniogan Pasig